Blockchain, Cryptocurrency and Fintech

New technologies and business models are revolutionizing both business operations and daily life globally. Expert lawyers assist companies in identifying legal risks and understanding the legal frameworks within which their technologies and models must function. We support clients in preparing for market entry, resolving licensing issues, consulting with regulatory bodies, interacting with financial institutions, and navigating regulatory compliance procedures.

Since the introduction of Bitcoin in 2009, cryptocurrencies and the underlying decentralized blockchain technology have evolved from mere theories into a powerful force, set to transform numerous industries for years to come.

Decentralized ledger technology and smart contracts have the potential to redefine many sectors, including financial services, intellectual property, logistics and supply chains, the Internet of Things, energy, healthcare, insurance, and the sharing economy.

The sector of financial products and services integrating blockchain technology is progressing rapidly. Clients working in this field, whether launching funds for direct or indirect investments in digital assets or creating new coins or tokens in connection with the launch of new distributed networks, have specific needs that Digests Global Law Firm is exceptionally well-suited to meet.

Being part of the startup community, we encounter numerous innovative ideas that reshape our daily lives. Blockchain and cryptocurrencies demonstrate significant potential for completely transforming the traditional financial system.

Often, there are no straightforward regulations governing new technologies or innovative business models. Existing regulations can impede the implementation of innovative ideas or impose disproportionate and inflexible requirements that may not be suitable for new business models.

Our Unique Offering

Our specialists understand the workings of technology and closely follow developments in various sectors, particularly the financial sector. Our team has experience in identifying and managing the legal risks that can arise from innovative technologies or business models. We provide advice on initial coin offerings (ICOs), obtaining licenses for cryptocurrency exchanges, mining pools, and more.